About the NEPOOL GIS

The New England Power Pool Generation Information System (NEPOOL GIS) issues and tracks certificates for all MWh of generation and load produced in the ISO New England control area, as well as imported MWh from adjacent control areas. In addition to the generation, the NEPOOL GIS provides emissions labeling for the New England load-serving entities by tracking the emissions attributes for generators in the region. In recent years the NEPOOL GIS has adapted to the various state RPS laws to track combined heat and power, demand response, and conservation and load management certificates. The NEPOOL GIS is owned and governed by NEPOOL, and built and operated by APX.

NEPOOL GIS Working Group Information


The New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) was established in 1971 as a voluntary association of market participants from the six New England States.  The Participants Committee is the principle governing body of NEPOOL, which considers and acts on all matters affecting the New England region’s wholesale electric power arrangements, either directly or by delegation. The Participants Committee is made up of six energy Sectors.


About APX

APX has been the Administrator of the NEPOOL GIS since its inception in 2001. APX delivers a complete suite of solutions to enable REC market transactions including issuance and tracking of certificates, a full audit trail, and 24/7 support for all North American renewable energy markets. In addition to NEPOOL GIS these include the Western States (WREGIS), New York (NYGATS), North Carolina (NC-RETS), Michigan (MIRECS) and the North American Renewables Registry™ (NAR), a national system for areas not covered by existing regional markets.

From corporations and retailers to clean generators and utilities, APX market infrastructure sets the standard for ensuring integrity in environmental markets. As an independent and trusted provider of infrastructure solutions, APX is fully committed to the highest market transparency and a level playing field for all market participants and stakeholders. We do not make markets or take principal positions in environmental transactions and are not a bank, brokerage, or marketer. For more information on REC Registries, see this page.

Details on the APX Team supporting NEPOOL GIS are here and for more information about APX, please click here (Note external page)