Account Registration Process Overview
Account Registration Process Overview |
Below is the Account Registration process overview:
Account Types |
Below are the different GIS Account Types and functionality available for each account type:
- Load Serving Entity (LSE)
- Ability to manage load assets and corresponding load obligation certificates
- Can register new and manage existing generating assets
- Can send and receive certificates
- Can retire certificates in retail sub-account (RPS compliance purposes)
- Can execute reserved transactions (general purpose retirements)
- Generator
- Ability to register new and manage existing generating assets
- Can send and receive certificates
- Can execute reserved transactions (general purpose retirements)
- Residential home owners and solar companies often apply for this account however, it is not limited to those individuals or groups.
- Trader
- Ability to register new and manage existing generating assets
- Can execute reserved transactions (general purpose retirements)
- Independent Verifer
- Ability to upload generation data for GIS projects
Click on the following hyperlink to download the NEPOOL GIS Account Registration User Guide.