Register NEPOOL Generator (MSS Project)
NEPOOL Generator data are imported into GIS via ISONE monthly files. New NEPOOL Generators are displayed in ‘Need Info’ Status under the Asset Management module. User takes the following steps to complete the project registration for NEPOOL Generator(s).
- In the Account Dashboard, locate Asset Management
- Under the Asset Management module, click on the project hyperlink under the Plant – Unit column as pictured below:
- In the Generator Information page, enter data into all fields denoted with an asterisk.
- Click the ‘Next’ button to go to the next page.
- In the second page of the New Generator Application, leave all the RPS Certification checkboxes blank.
- Click on the ‘Submit for Approval’ button to register new project.
Note: Projects will be in a ‘Pending’ status until a GIS Administrator reviews and approves the MSS project. GIS Administrator requires State RPS certification in order to approve a GIS project.
Click on the following hyperlink to download the NEPOOL GIS Project Registration User Guide.