Modify a Forward Certificate Transfer
User can modify an existing Forward Certificate Transfer at any time only if the ‘Rescindable’ column is marked ’Yes’. If the ‘Rescindable’ column is marked ‘No’, Transferor must receive confirmation from Transferee to update the Forward Certificate Transfer and work with APX GIS Administrator to make the update.
Below are the steps to modify an existing Forward Certificate Transfer:
- In the Account Dashboard, User locates the Asset Management Module.
- Click the hyperlink View All Forward Certificates.
- Click on a tab at the top of table to navigate between specific Forward Certificate Transfers statuses.
- Click on the hyperlink under the Transfer Name/Alias column to view Forward Certificate Transfer details.
- In the Edit Forward Certificate Transfer page, modify the details of the Forward Certificate Transfer.
- Click the ‘Save’ button to resubmit the Forward Certificate Transfer request.
Note: After an existing Forward Certificate Transfer is modified, the Forward Certificate Transfer will be in a ’Pending’ status until the Transferee accepts/rejects the Forward Certificate Transfer. Both the Transferor and Transferee will receive an email notification regarding the Forward Certificate Transfer.
Click on the following hyperlink to download the NEPOOL GIS Forward Certificate Transfers User Guide.