The GIS-Specific Contact (Account Manager) for a GIS account manages Logins for all users in their account.  The GIS-Specific Contact can add new logins, edit existing logins, and deactivate logins from their account.

Add New Logins

  1. In the Account Dashboard, go to the Account Management module and click the ‘Login Management’ hyperlink as shown below:
  2. In the Account Management screen, click the ‘new’ button.


  1. In the Login Information screen, enter data into the fields on the form and designate login privilege for additional users.
    1. Privilege Description
    2. Account Holder – User is permitted to register projects and manage certificates.
    3. Account Holder – View Only – User is only permitted to view account reports.

  1. Click the OK button to create new login.

Note: New users will be prompted to change the password after initial login after logging in with the password provided by the GIS-Specific Contact.


Deactivate Login

  1. In the Account Dashboard, go to the Account Management module and clicks the ‘Login Management’ hyperlink as shown below:
  2. In the Login Management, click the ‘Edit’ hyperlink for a login.

  1. In the Login Information screen, uncheck the ‘Active’ checkbox.

  1. Click the ‘OK’ button to deactivate login.


Click on the following hyperlink to download the NEPOOL GIS UI Navigation User Guide.