Lars Kvale

 Head of Business Development at APX Environmental Markets

  • Leading expert on REC and carbon markets
  • Experience includes developing the GHG protocols in the California carbon market, renewable energy certification programs and environmental market registries
  • Policy and market consulting

(With APX since 2008)

Devon Walton
   Head of Operations at APX Environmental Markets

  • Launched the APX SaaS registry business
  • Experience includes environmental credit brokering and water and biodiversity credit program

(With APX for more than 10 years)

Nick D’Alleva
Manager of APX VCS Registry

  • Expert on voluntary carbon markets
  • Experience includes brokering, operations and data management

(With APX since 2009)

James Webb
Manager of NEPOOL GIS, WREGIS, ACR, CAR and VCS Project Database

  • Manages NEPOOL GIS operations, services  and software enhancements
  • Manages software maintenance and enhancements for WREGIS, ACR, CAR and the VCS Project Database
  • Experience in the New England and California REC market, as well as California ISO power scheduling

(With APX since 2006)

Bryan Gower
Manager of MRETS and NC-RETS Operations

  • Expert on all REC Registry Operations
  • Experience includes metering procedures and the design of multi-credit markets

(With APX since 2007)

Bao Ngo
Manager of MIRECS and NAR

  • Expert on Demand Response, Power Operations and Inter-registry REC transfers
  • Experience includes project management, meter data management, and PUC Demand Response Filing monitoring

(With APX since 2005)

Hung Chau

Lead Developer for NEPOOL GIS, WREGIS, and Inter-Registry Transfers

  • Architect of the APX Environmental Registry solution
  • Expiernce includes developing the PJM GATS solution

(With APX since 1997)

Elena Shulepov

Lead Developer for ACR, CAR, MIRECS, MRETS, NAR, and NC-RETS

  • Experience includes developing innovative solutions for RPS markets with multiple credit types (Michigan) and carve-outs (North Carolina)

(With APX since 2007)

Jason Brome

Chief of Technology for APX Environmental

  • Built APX Environmental Management Account Platform
  • Leads APX registry technology team
  • Over eighteen years of experience delivering robust, scalable technology solutions

(With APX since 2009)



Katherine Graham


COO, APX Power Markets

  • Led the implementation of WREGIS and VCS
  • Experience includes power trading, scheduling, and settlements

(With APX since 2006)



Carl Schlemmer



 Manager of APX Demand Response Programs

  • Lead business analyst in charge of designing functionality for ACR, CAR and VCS as well as Environmental Management Account
  • Experience includes energy efficiency software and consulting

(With APX since 2007)