We would like to announce new enhancements to the NEPOOL GIS software which will hopefully make a few of the common tasks in the system more efficient. The updates below were developed in conjunction with Eversource and the United Illuminating Company in an effort to help facilitate the Connecticut LREC and ZREC program, however the broad set of NEPOOL GIS account holders will also benefit from these enhancements.
- Forward Certificate Transfers
- We’ve updated this process to now allow for these transfers to have a start and stop vintage. Meaning a forward transfer can now span multiple vintage years, instead of being limited to a single quarter. Additionally multiple generators can be scheduled under one forward certificate transfer as well. See here for additional information.
- Fractional Generation Tracking
- The data loading function has been updated to allow for fractional MWh’s to be loaded in the NEPOOL GIS out to the thousandth decimal place, as well as having the fractional remaining meter data automatically calculated and applied to subsequent generation month.
- Outside of the update described above, the data loading process for self-reporters and independent verifiers remains unchanged.
- Batch Generator Registration
- An additional option to register multiple behind the meter generators via a .CSV file upload has been implemented. Although any NEPOOL GIS account holder can use this functionality, solar aggregators will especially find this new enhancement useful. If you are interested in learning more about this update, please reply to this email.
- Electronic version of the Non-NEPOOL Participant Agreement
- This agreement moving forward will be completely managed electronically (no more scanned/faxed copies required)
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.